Elizabeth Guy

高级律师, 英国及欧洲专利律师, UPC代理律师


Elizabeth has more than 20 years’ experience working to obtain and enforce patent rights in a wide range of technologies, including the fields of computer systems and networking, telecommunications, consumer electronics, optics, mechanics and general engineering. She has particular expertise in the areas of semiconductor device fabrication, MEM devices, electromechanical devices, optical storage media, display technology, printing technology (specifically relating to LEP printers) and process control systems.

Elizabeth enjoys the challenge of prosecuting software-related patent applications (so-called “computer-implemented inventions”) in Europe and the UK. Her work increasingly relates to computer systems and networking, including areas such as mobile application technology, electronic gaming and online trading systems and process control software.

With considerable experience in drafting and prosecuting patent applications for SMEs and University spin-out companies, Elizabeth enjoys meeting and working with inventors and R&D personnel. She also has significant experience in liaising with foreign attorneys, particularly from the US and Japan, in the filing and prosecution of European and UK patent and design applications for multinational corporations.

Elizabeth holds a BSc Honours degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Durham.

Recent work

  • Drafted and prosecuted numerous patents related to computer-implemented inventions for a large multinational energy company, in jurisdictions in which patentability requirements can vary greatly.


  • 2003 — 2004
    Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary, University of London
  • 1999 — 2002
    BSc Physics and Astronomy, University of Durham

Career history

  • 2008 — present
    Senior Associate, EIP
  • 2002 — 2007
    Technical Assistant, Gill Jennings & Every



  • Consumer electronics
  • Electromechanical systems
  • Fintech


  • Electromechanical systems
  • Mechanics


  • Cells
  • Solar