Chris Curry

律师, 英国及欧洲专利律师

Chris Curry

Chris joined EIP having completed a PhD in Mathematics at Durham University. His area of study was high energy physics, from quantum field theory to string theory. Specifically, the aim of his research was to reformulate non-abelian gauge theory as a string theory with a non-standard interaction.

Chris also has a MSci in physics with theoretical physics from the University of Nottingham, where he was awarded prizes for academic achievement.

Published articles

  • 18 June 2018
    Journal of High Energy Physics, Intersection of world-lines on curved surfaces and path-ordering of the Wilson loop (link)


  • 2020
    Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property, Bournemouth University
  • 2014 — 2018
    PhD in Mathematics, Durham University
  • 2010 — 2014
    MSc in Physics with Theoretical Physics, University of Nottingham

Career history

  • 2019 — present
    Patent Scientist, EIP

Awards and recognition

  • The Salmon Prize for outstanding achievement during his MSci (placing within the top three students in the year)
  • PWC high achiever award for gaining the highest overall mark in the first year of his MSci



  • Applied maths & cryptography
  • Applied physics
  • Computer hardware
  • Image and signal processing
  • Photonics and optics
  • Telecommunications